
Rooney Mara - filmography

28 March 2025

La Cocina
Directed by: Alonso Ruizpalacios
Cast: Raul Briones, Rooney Mara, Anna Diaz
Category: drama


28 January 2022

Nightmare Alley
Directed by: Guillermo Del Toro
Cast: Cate Blanchett, Rooney Mara, Paul Anderson


6 April 2018

Mary Magdalene
Directed by: Garth Davis
Cast: Rooney Mara, Joaquin Phoenix, Chiwetel Ejiofor
Category: drama

The first century of our era, the Holy Land. The story of a young woman who leaves her native fishing village to follow the new movement. Inspired by the charismatic leader, Jesus of Nazareth, and the... more

27 October 2017

A Ghost Story
Directed by: David Lowery
Cast: Casey Affleck, Rooney Mara, McColm Cephas Jr.
Category: drama / fantasy / romance

Recognized filmmaker David Lowery ("It Happened in Texas", "My Friend Dragon") returns to the topic of exploring heritage, the importance of loss, and the human desire to find the meaning of... more

19 May 2017

Song to Song
Directed by: Terrence Malick
Cast: Ryan Gosling, Rooney Mara, Michael Fassbender
Category: drama / music / romance

"Song to Song" is a contemporary love story set in the world of music bohemes. BV (Gosling) and Faye (Mara) are madly in love with the dreamers. In addition to love, they share their desire to exist in... more

2 December 2016

Directed by: Garth Davis
Cast: Dev Patel, Rooney Mara, Nicole Kidman
Category: drama

The five-year boy lost on the streets of Calcutta, thousands of kilometers from home. Encounter people can not say about a lot. You do not know the name or address of the family. He's on your own, must... more

Kubo and the Two Strings
Directed by: Travis Knight
Cast: Charlize Theron, Matthew McConaughey, Rooney Mara
Category: animation / adventure / family

Kubo is a good, humble boy who alongside his mother lives in a modest village at the end of the world. Every day goes the same quiet rhythm - to the time when the boy visited by the spirit of the past... more

4 March 2016

Directed by: Todd Haynes
Cast: Cate Blanchett, Rooney Mara, Sarah Paulson
Category: drama / romance

Nominated for Oscar in 6 categories - including Best Adapted Screenplay and for primary and Supporting Actress - "the most beautiful love story in recent years" (The Guardian).

"Carol" is full of... more

23 October 2015

Directed by: Joe Wright
Cast: Rooney Mara, Hugh Jackman, Amanda Seyfried
Category: adventure / family / fantasy

Reżyser Joe Wright (Pokuta, Duma i uprzedzenie) przedstawia nowy pełnometrażowy film fabularny Piotruś. Wyprawa do Nibylandii, opowiadający na nowo historię o początkach ukochanych bohaterów stworzonych... more

7 November 2014

Directed by: Stephen Daldry
Cast: Rooney Mara, Martin Sheen, Wagner Moura
Category: adventure / crime / drama

Dwaj chłopcy ze slumsów Rio de Janeiro znajdują na wysypisku portfel. Kiedy na ich trop wpada miejscowa policja i oferuje imponującą nagrodę za zwrot portfela, chłopcy, Rafael (RICKSON TEVEZ) i Gardo... more

19 April 2013

Side Effects
Directed by: Steven Soderbergh
Cast: Rooney Mara, Channing Tatum, Jude Law
Category: crime / drama / thriller

Ostatni kinowy film w karierze Stevena Soderbergha!

Jak wiele poświęcisz, by zdobyć szczęście?

Emily ma w życiu wszystko. Jest młoda, piękna, ma kochającego i zamożnego męża. Jednak gdy ukochany... more

13 January 2012

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Directed by: David Fincher
Cast: Rooney Mara, Daniel Craig, Stellan Skarsgard
Category: crime / drama / mystery

W filmie „Dziewczyna z tatuażem”, nominowany do Nagrody Akademii® reżyser David Fincher („Social Network”) przenosi na ekran bestsellerową powieść szwedzkiego pisarza Stiega Larssona.
W labiryncie... more

16 July 2010

A Nightmare on Elm Street
Directed by: Samuel Bayer
Cast: Jackie Earle Haley, Rooney Mara, Kyle Gallner

Nancy, Kris, Quentin i Dean — wszyscy oni mieszkają przy ulicy Wiązów i każdego prześladuje ten sam koszmarny sen. Pojawia się w nim mężczyzna w podartym swetrze w czerwone i zielone pasy, zniszczonym... more