Cinema program "Captain Morten and the Spider Queen" in Białystok
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"Captain Morten and the Spider Queen"
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Runtime: 79 min.
Production: Estonia/Belgia/Irlandia/Wlk. Brytania , 2018
Category: animation / family
Release Date: 12 October 2018
Distribution: Nowe Horyzonty
Directed by: Kaspar Jancis, Henry Nicholson, Riho Unt
Cast: Ciaran Hinds, Brendan Gleeson, Michael McElhatton
Captain Morten and the Queen of Spiders is a surprising animation about the power of child's imagination, perseverance and unlimited faith in dreams.
Ten-year-old Morten wants to be a sailor like his father. Unexpectedly, he is showered with a mysterious powder, shrinks to the size of an insect and becomes the captain of his boat! However, sailing is not a simple matter ... Especially when you are not the only member of the crew. What captain will the boy be? Morten will have to show the courage to find a way to save the ship from sinking, fight for friends and discover the way to return to the real world. He is waiting for lots of adventures and challenges that prove that independence and the ability to take the helm into your own hands is not defined by age, but an unrestrained faith in dreams.

Movie trailer: Captain Morten and the Spider Queen
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Szkoda czasu i przede
wszystkim psychiki dziecka. Film
powinien mieć ograniczenie
wiekowe 12 lat. Podczas dwóch
scen poboczni bohaterowie są
mieleni w starym gramofonie z
tubą i zamieniani na pączki,
które potem są zjadane przez
innych członków załogi. W jednym
przypadku osa - marynarz zjada
pączki zrobione z jego brata !
Totalny brak poszanowania ŻYCIA
Dużo przemocy, braku
szacunku do innych istot.